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FINDHR is an EU-funded project that is developing, among other actions, a course on Anti-discrimination for Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Recruitment. The training will offer a comprehensive curriculum covering in an interactive way computational, ethical, and legal aspects of this problem.

The purpose of this form is to register to the course. Please fill the form by March, 31 2024.
Please consider that the application does not guarantee admission which is subject to confirmation according to the following criteria:
  • Interest in human resources and/or artificial intelligence (based on current position and/or study program)
  • Balance/diversity (genders, backgrounds, ...)
The information you provide through this form will be shared with the principal investigators (PIs) of project FINDHR, who will contact you directly. You can access, delete, or modify the information you provide by e-mailing the project manager Tamara Vorobyeva.