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3h Masterclass (first edition)

The 2nd Edition of the 3h Masterclass (1.5h theory session and 1.5h case studies) will be held online on February 21st from 9am to 1pm (CET - Central European Time) or from 2pm to 6pm. Link to the Teams meeting: morning and afternoon.

30h Course on Fairness in AI Recruitment (first edition)

The training course will be held in Spring 2025 (CESTCentral European Summer Time). The starting date is 29 April 2025, and the ending date is 30 May 2025.
The classes will be held exclusively online, via the Teams platform.
Location: click on the link in the table below to open the Teams platform with the scheduled lesson.

The time schedule is organised as follows:
Theory session
2 TS for each meeting (2*1.5h) + 1h for questions/answers and a break. Total time for each meeting 4h.
Case studies
2 meetings of 4h each including breaks.
Data Analysis
2 meetings of 4h each including breaks.

30h Course on Fairness in AI Recruitment

Theory session Time schedule Link

holders hours date time (CET)
TS01, TS02 UPF, UU 3 29/04 15:00-19:00 Online
TS03, TS04 UU, RU 3 08/05 15:00-19:00 Online
TS05, TS06 UPF, MPI-SP 3 09/05 15:00-19:00 Online
TS07, TS08 UVA 3 15/05 15:00-19:00 Online
TS09, TS10 UNIPI, UPF 3 16/05 15:00-19:00 Online
total 15  
Case studies Time schedule Link

holders hours date time  (CET)
CS01, CS02 AW 4 22/05 15:00-19:00 Online
CS03, CS04 AW 4 23/05 15:00-19:00 Online
total 8  
Data Analysis Time schedule Link

holders hours date time  (CET)
DA01 UNIPI 4 29/05 15:00-19:00 Online
DA02 UNIPI 4 30/05 15:00-19:00 Online
total 8  

UPF = Universitat Pompeu Fabra
UU = Utrecht University 
RU = Radboud University
MPI-SP = Max Planck Institute for Security and Privacy
UVA = Universitait Van Amsterdam
UNIPI = University of Pisa
AW = Algorithm Watch