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FINDHR (Fairness and Intersectional Non-Discrimination in Human Recommendation) is a project funded by the Horizon Europe program (grant 101070212) and unites 12 universities, companies, and NGOs in developing anti-discrimination methods, algorithms, and training for algorithmic hiring.

Algorithmic hiring is the usage of tools based on Artificial intelligence (AI) for finding and selecting job candidates. As with other applications of AI, it is vulnerable to creating and perpetuating discrimination. Considering technological, legal, and ethical aspects, FINDHR will facilitate the prevention, detection, and management of discrimination in algorithmic hiring and closely related areas involving human recommendation. FINDHR aims to create new ways to ascertain discrimination risk, produce less biassed outcomes, and meaningfully incorporate human expertise.

Among the goals of FINDHR, there is Anti-discrimination training for algorithmic hiring, dedicated to, among others, human resources professionals, recruiters and other professionals who are interested in and concerned about algorithmic fairness in recruiting.

The course includes three distinct parts: theory sessions, case studies, and a data analysis part. The latter is organised into two groups: for experts in computer programming (Python), and for non-programmers, where the analytics platform Knime will be used.

Enrollment is free as the program is funded by Horizon Europe. Classes can be taken either in-person or remotely. The modality is blended, i.e., a learning platform (Moodle) will be used to provide the materials and carry out the exercises. In addition to issuing attendance certificates to participants, we are considering the possibility of granting microcredentials. The course will be taught in English and will last 30 hours.

FINDHR’s official information sheet can be found on the CORDIS platform.